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নিডারিয়া|| নিডারিয়া পর্বের বৈশিষ্ট্য|| Cnidaria|| Biology Bangladesh|| Dr. A B Siddiq|| Cell wall|| Protoplast|| Plasma membrane|| Plastid|| Chloroplast|| Mitochondria|| Endoplasmic reticulum|| Golgi bodies|| Ribosome|| Lysosome|| Centrosome|| Nucleus|| Chromosome|| Nucleic acid|| DNA|| RNA|| Duplication|| Gene|| Transcription|| Translation|| Hereditary code|| Cellular division|| Amitosis|| Mitosis|| Meiosis|| Crossing over|| Cell chemistry|| Carb|| Starch|| Glycolysis|| Protein|| Amino scid|| Lipid|| Enzyme|| Microbiology|| Virous|| Bacterophage|| Liver disease|| Dengue|| Germs|| Cholera|| Malarial parasite|| Hepatic schizogony|| Erythrocytic schizogony|| Algae|| Ulothrix|| Fungis|| Agaricus|| Late blight|| Ringworm|| Lichen|| Bryophyta|| Riccia|| Pteridophyta|| Pteris|| Gymnosperm|| Cycas|| Angiosperm|| Poaceae|| Malvaceae|| Meristematic tissue|| Irreversible tissue|| Tissue system|| Vascular tissue system|| Ground tissue system|| Plant physiology|| Mineral salts absorption|| Cytochrome pump hypothesis|| Stomata|| Transpiration|| Photosynthesis|| Calvin path|| C3 cycle|| Hatch and Slack path|| C4 cycle|| Respiration|| Glycolysis|| Kreb’s cycle|| Cytric cycle|| Electron transportation system|| ETC|| ETS|| Plants recreation|| Male gametophyte|| Female gametophyte|| Plants fertilization|| Parthenogenesis|| Biotechnology|| Plant tissue culture|| Genetic modification|| Plasmid|| Recombinent DNA|| Gene cloning|| Insulin production|| Genome sequencing|| Population|| Biotic neighborhood|| Community|| Ecological pyramid|| Water adjustment|| Desert adjustment|| Biome|| Asian area|| Forest of Bangladesh|| Biodiversity preservation|| Porifera|| Cnidaria|| Platyhelminthes|| Nematoda|| Nemathelminthes|| Millusca|| Annelida|| Arthropoda|| Echinodermata|| Chordata|| Urochordata|| Cephalochordata|| Vetebrata|| Chondrichthyes|| Actinopterygii|| Sarcopterygii|| Amphibia|| Reptilia|| Aves|| Mammalia|| Hydra|| Cnidocyte|| insect|| Poekilocerus pictus|| Malpighian tubule|| Ommatidium|| Labeo rohita|| Rohu fish|| Branchial artery|| Air bladder|| Gastrointestinal system|| Digestion glands|| Protein food digestion|| Carb food digestion|| Human Liver|| Pancreas|| Weight problems|| Blood|| Blood corpuscles|| RBC|| WBC|| Blood clot|| Human heart|| Blood blood circulation|| Heart cycle|| Myogenic policy|| Cardiac arrest|| Angina|| Cardiac arrest|| Pacemaker|| Angioplasty|| Human breathing system|| Alveolus|| Sinus problems|| Otitis media|| Human kidney|| Human nephron|| Osmoregulation|| Dialysis|| Human skeleton|| Human bone|| Muscle|| Nerve cell|| Synapse|| Human brain|| Cranial nerves|| Human eye|| Human ear|| Endocrine glands|| Pituitary glands|| Male reproductive system|| Female reproductive system|| Menstruation|| Spermatogenesis|| Oogenesis|| Human embryo|| Household preparing|| IVF|| In vitro fertilization procedure|| Syphilis|| Gonorhea|| AIDS|| Human Resistance system|| Antibody|| Vaccination|| Phagocytosis|| Genes|| Mendelian inheritance|| Monohybrid cross|| Dihybrid cross|| Insufficient supremacy|| Lethal gene|| Complementary gene|| Dominant epistasis|| Recessive epistasis|| Haemophilia|| Muscular dystrophy|| ABO blood group|| Rh aspect|| Lamarckism|| Darwinism|| Natural choice|| Archaeopteryx|| Inherent habits|| Taxes|| Impulses|| Migration|| Pevlov hypothesis|| Social behaviour|| Social honey bee|| HSC Biology|| MCQ|| HSC MCQ|| Biology Bangladesh|| Biology very first paper|| Biology 2nd paper|| Biology very first paper MCQ|| Biology 2nd paper MCQ|| Medical admission concern MCQ|| University admission concern MCQ|| Dhaka board concern MCQ|| Rajshahi board concern MCQ|| Chittagong board concern MCQ|| Jessoe board concern MCQ|| Comilla board concern MCQ|| Sylhet board concern MCQ|| Dinajpur board concern MCQ|| Madrasa Board MCQ|| Dr. A B Siddiq|| Dr. Abu Bakkar Siddiq.
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